A Central Institute for Spiritualism
A Central Institute for Spiritualism is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in Light on 16 august 1919.
A Central Institute for Spiritualism
We have received the following letter from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle:—
By a coincidence I have received two letters in the last few days showing how other nations are building up worthy temples to form central points for the great spiritual movement now going on all over the world.
One was from the National Spiritualists' Association of Washington, in America, and it says: "The erection of a splendid and commodious National Memorial Temple is now receiving liberal donations. That Temple, with its administration building, library, reading room, seance rooms, record vaults, auditoriums for conventions, meetings and Lyceum, will indeed become a world benefit."
The other was from Dr. Greley, in Paris, and describes how, at 89, Avenue Nial, a great establishment is being formed through the enlightened liberality of M. Jean Meyer, where every conceivable aid to the student of psychic matters will be available.
The small results attending your own appeals are disheartening compared with these great foundations, and it is the more surprising since the whole world admits that Great Britain is now leading the way in this tremendous religious evolution. I trust that the fact only needs to be stated in order to induce some of those who have themselves gained consolation to come forward and help to erect that which might bring so much consolation to others.
It has been suggested that I should appeal in the general press, but surely that would be a humiliating course to take.
Arthur Conan Doyle.