Another Letter from Dr. Doyle
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Another Letter from Dr. Doyle is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in The Critic, New York, on 27 january 1894.
Another Letter from Dr. Doyle
Sir, — I note that Messrs. Lovell & Co. state in your columns that they bought the stories which they have recently published from "an agent of mine, Mr. Hogg, and paid twenty-five pounds for them" I have no doubt that Messrs. Lovell & Co. have as much to complain of as I, but I would suggest to them that an agent should be asked to furnish some credentials. I have never employed any agent of that name,. and my first intimation of the appearance of the book was a review in an American journal.
Davos Platz, 7 Jan., 1894