Bishop Nibley Raps Sir Arthur. Conan Doyle Asks Apology
Bishop Nibley Raps Sir Arthur. Conan Doyle Asks Apology is an article written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in the San Francisco Chronicle on 5 june 1923.
The article shows the Bishop Charles W. Nibley's criticism (left column of the photo) and the Arthur Conan Doyle's answer (right column).
Bishop Nibley Raps Sir Arthur
Another critic of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle has arisen in San Francisco. He is Presiding Bishop Charles W. Nibley of the Church of Latter-Day Saints, Salt Lake City, who is staying at the Palace Hotel. Bishop Nibley speaks caustically of Sir Arthur's recent lecture in the Mormon city. The criticism and the answer of Conan Doyle are given below:
I have a great respect for the Mormons, who treated me very liberally in allowing me the use of their hall, and, therefore, I am the more sorry that one who is a bishop among them should utter such an uncharitable and false statement.
He says that I am a medium. I have, unfortunately, no psychic gifts at all nor have I ever claimed any. I can but give out my experiences with others and the evidence gained from others.
He says that I left Salt Lake City several thousand dollars richer. I have never in my life taken one cent for any work which I have done on the platform for spiritualism. When I returned from Australia I left all my profits in Australia for the Australian church. When I returned from America last year I divided my profits among the spiritual organisations in England, and I published a balance sheet. This year I cannot say if I will have a balance, since travelling is dear and our party large. If I have, it certainly will not go into my pocket.
I trust, therefore, that Bishop Nibley will apologize for his utterances, which I look upon as the statement of one ill-informed and uncharitable man, and not as representing the friends whom I left behind me in Salt Lake City.