Compulsory National Service (25 august 1915)
Compulsory National Service is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in The Daily Chronicle on 25 august 1915.
Arthur Conan Doyle answer the letter of Mr. J. M. Bulloch which was itself an answer to Conan Doyle's first letter on this topic.
Compulsory National Service

To the Editor Daily Chronicle.
Sir, — Mr. J. M. Bulloch does not appear to have read the letter which he is criticising. Nothing could be more different than the Act which he quotes from that which I suggest. The Act of 1778 was to impress into the Army rogues and vagabonds. The fact of having substance served as a protection to the shirker. Under the suggestion which I put forward in your columns the rich shirker would be an aggravated case, and would be the first to be sent to the front. It would apply equally to all, and having employment would not shield a man, unless it were employment useful to the country. Again, under the old Act the man was actually impressed, whereas under this suggested one there would be no legal, but only a moral compulsion. No two schemes could be more different, and Mr. Bulloch would do well to master his own facts before he undertakes to reprove other people.
- Eastbourne, Aug. 24.