Den Sorte Haand

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Den Sorte Haand (The Black Hand) is a Danish silent movie released on 10 december 1910, produced by Nordisk Film Co., starring Otto Lagoni as Sherlock Holmes. 292 meters. Black & White.

Other titles:

  • Mordet i Baker Street
  • The Black Hand (USA)

Survival status: presumed lost.



  • Director : Holger Rasmussen
  • Producer : Ole Olsen


  • 1. The Chief
  • 2. The secret meeting place
  • 3. Letter: You must send today at 6 o'clock $5000 to the corner of Baker Street. A messenger will be there to receive the money. If you fail to send it you will be a dead man. The Black Hand.
  • 4. Sherlock Holmes must help
  • 5. Deceived
  • 6. Saved
  • 7. Unmasked

  • Titles credits : The Great Northern Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Bjarne Nielsen (Pinkerton, 1997)