Fellowship of Faiths
Fellowship of Faiths is an article published in The Advertiser (Adelaide) on 10 december 1927.
The article is a report of the conference about Christianity held on 3 october 1927 at City Temple (London) with eight religion representatives including Arthur Conan Doyle as the spiritualist.
Fellowship of Faiths
One is apt, after reading "Sheik" novels, to imagine that the true believer in Islam shouts "death to the infidel" immediately he sees a Christian. Yet the Moslem believes Christ to have been a true prophet of God; his name is mentioned 23 times in the Koran — nine times as the Messiah — while His Mother's name appears 31 times.
These facts were made known by Maulvi A. R. Dard, of the London Mosque, at one of the most cosmopolitan gatherings ever held in London. The Fellowship of Faiths held a meeting at the City Temple on October 3, at which appreciations of Christianity were given by representatives of seven other faiths. Over 3,000 people were present, while others were unable to secure admission.
The following are brief extracts from the appreciations from the different religions published by the London "Morning Post":—
Baha'i, by Abdul Baha, read by Miss Sybil Thorndike. Fifty years ago the Bible had not been read by Bahas, but to-day it was widely read because of the beauty of its teaching.
Zoroastrian, by Dr. A. D. Jilla, of the Parsee Comnumity. The Zorastrian religion was based on "good thoughts, good words, good deeds." This corresponded broadly with the teaching of Christianity.
Hindu, by Mr. S. N. Mallik, of India. Christianity supported many of the dictates of the Hindu religion, and Hindus owed much to the early missionaries.
Jewish, by the Rev. A. A. Green, Rabbi of Hampstead. While the Jews could not see eye to eye with many of the tenets of the Christian faith, he dared to say that all sincere religion was good religion and must attain its beneficent purpose.
Spiritualist, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Spiritualism was attached to no religion, but it was based on Christ's teaching. Messages which they received from the "other side" were most tender in their references to Christ. He read two messages received within his own family circle, both referring to the gentleness and goodness of Christ.
Buddhist, by Anagarika Dharmapala, of Ceylon. He was so impressed by the wonderful teachings of Christianity that he felt like reforming the Christians. Christianity, as the Bishop of Birmingham had said, was not progressive, but Buddhism was. The principles of their teaching were similar.
Dr. Annie Besant, the Theosophist, delivered an address, urging the beauty of service to humanity.