Letter about The Fabricius Deep (24 april 1927)

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 24 april 1927 about his difficulties to write more literary works, about The Fabricius Deep which was eventually renamed as The Maracot Deep and serialized in The Strand Magazine between october 1927 and february 1928, and the success of his book Pheneas Speaks (march 1927).
Ap. 24
Dear Sir
I fear there is little chance of my doing much more literary work. With a correspondence of 30 or 40 letters a day, dealing often with abstruse cases, and with constant demands to take part in meetings my time is much broken. I was glad to withdraw Holmes before the public were too weary of him. I have a story "The Fabricius Deep" in my mind which no doubt will reach The Strand Magazine in time - but how long it will be I don't yet know. No doubt I shall write upon psychic subjects. My last such book "Pheneas Speaks" has met with considerable success, and I should be glad if you mentioned the fact. There is a movement to syndicate it in the Press of all foreign countries.
Yours sincerely
A Conan Doyle.