Peaceful Ireland (28 march 1912)
Peaceful Ireland is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in the Daily Express on 28 march 1912.
See also his first letter on the same topic: Peaceful Ireland (26 march 1912).
Peaceful Ireland
To the Editor of the "Express."
Sir, — I did not say that Ireland was crimeless, but that her general condition was an object lesson to ourselves.
Mr. Grantham quoted the exceptional case of certain, districts in a single county — Galway, if I remember right. Let me in return quote the following news item from a Dublin paper ("Evening Telegraph," March 22): "A large number of the Irish-judges have received white gloves as evidence of a crimeless calendar. Except for the presence of one case of petty larceny, the Lord Chief Justice would have received white gloves at the Cork City Assizes. This is an instructive instance of the state of crime in one of the principal cities of Ireland.
Crowborough, Sussex.
Previous reply by W. W. Grantham