Portsmouth Literary and Scientific Society (18 may 1889)
This article is a report of the Portsmouth Literary and Scientific Society published in the Hampshire Telegraph and Sussex Chronicle on 18 may 1889.
Report of the lecture by Arthur Conan Doyle about the 20th annual report of the Portsmouth Literary and Scientific Society held at the Portsmouth Guildhall on 14 may 1889.

Portsmouth Literary and Scientific Society
The annual meeting of the members of this society was held at the Guildhall, High-street, Portsmouth, on Tuesday evening, under the chairmanship of General Harward, The twentieth annual report of the Council, which was read by Dr. A. Conan Doyle, one of the hon. secs., opened with an expression of hearty thanks to the retiring President, Dr. W. H. Axford, for the able manner in which he had presided at the meetings. During the year 27 new members had joined, while 25 had retired. The total number of members residing in the neighbourhood was 122. The Council expressed gratitude to the Mayor and Corporation for the continued use of the Guildhall. In conclusion the Council expressed pleasure at being able to state that alter an active existence of twenty years the society had never been in a more flourishing condition. The statement of accounts showed that the year's receipts amounted to £125 13s. 4d., and that the expenditure left in hand a balance of £46 10s. 10d. The report was adopted, and votes of thanks to Dr. Axford, the officers of the Society, and the Press were then passed. The following officers were elected for the session 1889-90:— President, Mr. George Freemantle-Ollis, R.E.C.S. Vice-Presidents:— Rev. Francis A. Allen, M.A., Staff-Commander A. W. Miller, R.N., Mr. J. Watson, M.D., Mr. T. A. Bramsdon, Council:— Mr. J. H. Ball, Assoc., R.I.B.A., Mr. H. Percy Boulnois, M.Inst. C.E., Dr. C.C. Claremont, M.D. (Lond.), Mr. A. Fisher, Assoc. S.A., Mr. C. Foran, M.O.S., Dr. B. J. Guillemard, M.D., Mr. A. Howell, Captain R. Jackson, R.N., Mr. A. W. Jerrard, M.A., Mr. Hugh S. Maclauchlan, Mr. B. H. Mumby, M.D., Mr. F. Way, M.R.C.S. Honorary Treasurer:— Mr. G. Long, J.P. Honorary Secretaries:— Dr. J. Ward Cousins, M.D., F.R.C.S., Dr. A. Conan Doyle, M.D. — The meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chairman.