Records of German Crime

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Records of German Crime is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in The Times on 16 january 1918.

Records of German Crime

The Times (16 january 1918)


Sir, — The Dean of Manchester speaks of "implacable hatred" and "invincible resolve" as if they represented alternative courses. My whole point was that hatred, or, if my critics prefer it, righteous wrath, is the means to attain invincible resolve, and it is as such that I have recommended it. Luke-warm feelings can give only half-hearted results. If our workers could actually see the vile things which have been perpetrated upon our people they would be filled by such feelings, call them what you may, that they would work with redoubled heart and vigour. Since they cannot see them they should be brought home to them in every way, verbal or pictorial, that is possible. I cannot understand how it is that reverend ecclesiastics go out of their way to reprove me for what they judge, rightly or wrongly, to be an excess of anti-German feeling upon my part, while they have not a word of public reprobation for those of their own number who have depressed the national spirit or hampered military counsels by their published utterances.

Yours faithfully,

Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex, Jan. 14.