Sherlock: The Game of Logic

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Sherlock: The Game of Logic (PC)

Sherlock: The Game of Logic is a reflection video game developed and published by Everett Kaser in 1991 (PC/Mac), 2010 (iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch), 2011 (Android), 2012 (Amazon App).

Editor's description

Sherlock is a computerized version of logic puzzles, where you're presented with a series of clues that help you to determine the exact locations of all of the images on the playing board. On the 6.0 version of the game, depending upon the puzzle size, the playing board can have anywhere from 3 up to 8 rows of images and from 3 up to 8 columns of images, 36 different puzzle sizes or types. (On the Pocket PC 5.0 game, the puzzles are all 4x4, 5x5 or 6x6). Each row of the playing board contains images of the same type (faces, houses, numbers, fruit, street signs, letters, etc). The computer scrambles the locations of the items in each row (without showing you their locations) and then presents to you a set of graphical clues that describe the positional relationships of different images. You use the clues to deduce where things can't be (and where they have to be) until you know where all of the images are located.


Other sherlockian games by Everett Kaser