Sherlock Conan Holmes

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Sherlock Conan Holmes is an article published in the Daily Express on 29 september 1921.

The article includes a short poem by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Sherlock Conan Holmes

Daily Express (29 september 1921, p. 5)

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, speaking at the Stoll Film Company's dinner at the Trocadero, complained that some readers confused the personality of the author with that of the principal character he created.

"An attack made on me some years ago attributed to me, in clever doggerel, Sherlock Holmes' 'vices of self-conceit and self-complacency,'" said Sir Arthur, "and I replied with the following:—

"Pray master this, my esteemed commentator.
That the created is not the creator.
Just grasp this fact with your cerebral tentacle.
That the doll and its maker are never identical."

Sir Arthur said that after-lecturing in New York he read in the papers that "As the author advanced to deliver his lecture a thrill of disappointment ran through the assembly." The audience had expected to see a cadaverous-looking person with marks of cocaine injections all over him.