
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Silesia is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in The Daily Chronicle on 8 december 1915.


The Daily Chronicle (8 december 1915, p. 6)

To the Editor Daily Chronicle.

Sir, — Prussia stole Silesia from Austria under peculiar blackguardly circumstances in the year 1763. Why should we not ventilate the idea, even if we cannot officially discuss it, that our final terms of peace might redress this strong? It is true that Austria is our enemy, but she is the dupe and accomplice, she is not the main criminal. We may very well differentiate between the two.

We do not exploit sufficiently the dislike which exists between Prussia and the other German States. The German official papers habitually talk of the "English" Fleet and the "English" General, in the hope of annoying and alienating the other British people. With much more propriety — and also with much greater hope of effect — can we speak of "Prussian" instead of "German" in every department of their new Empire.

Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex.