Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Psychic Bookshop and Library
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Psychic Bookshop and Library is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in Light on 24 january 1925.
About the opening of his Psychic Bookshop.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Psychic Bookshop and Library
Sir, — It has long seemed to me that one of the weak points in our psychic movement is the complete disconnection between our splendid literature and the man in the street. He is as a rule absolutely unaware of its existence. In an endeavour to get past this difficulty I am engaged in starting a psychic bookshop and library in one of the most central positions in London. It is in Abbey House in Victoria street, opposite to Dean's Yard, and within a stone's throw of Westminster Abbey. I would ask the, support of all psychic students for this venture, so far as it can be given without encroaching upon the trade in psychic books already done by the London Spiritualist Alliance, or by the office of the "Two Worlds." I wish to open up new fields, not to encroach upon the old ones. Nothing but psychic books will be sold, and a large stock kept in hand, while every effort will be made to meet the wants of customers. Should any reader have duplicates which he could spare for the library he would do me a service if, after the beginning of February, he would send them to the manager at the address given. — Yours, etc.,
Arthur Conan Doyle
January 16th.