The Future of the Rev. G. Vale Owen
The Future of the Rev. G. Vale Owen is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 20 may 1924 at Windlesham, and published in Light on 31 may 1924.
The Future of the Rev. G. Vale Owen
To The Editor of Light.
Sir, — His friends feel that the future of the Rev. George Vale Owen should be assured upon a firm foundation. It is a debt of honour, since he has resigned everything for the cause, and it is also greatly to our interest since he cannot devote himself whole-heartedly to the splendid work of which he is capable unless his mind is freed from such anxieties.
It is not sufficiently known that Mr. Owen refused to take any remuneration for the Script when it was published in Lord Northeliffe's paper. Also that he worked without any profit for himself in America. Since then he has had one long lecture-tour in the provinces which did much good, but which placed a great strain upon his health without any corresponding pecuniary return. The expenses were heavy, and many lectures — especially during the election period — were run at a loss, so that the net proceeds were small.
At a meeting of his friends it was determined that a general appeal should be made to Spiritualists, to insure a modest income. This should be done by donations or by guarantors. The guarantors would be pledged to make up the difference of Mr. Owen's earnings to this sum. Should they come to this sum in the natural way then the guarantors would not be called upon. There were guarantees of £150 at the small meeting and several donations. It is hoped, therefore, that the matter will go through.
If any cheques could be sent to my secretary, Major Wood, Windlesham, Crowborough, I should be greatly obliged. Correspondence may be addressed to the Hon. Secretary (pro tem), Mr. Fred Barlow, 113, Edmund-street, Birmingham.
The general scheme, as it stands at present, is that our revered friend should be in a position to use some central hall in London on Sundays where the collection might balance expenses. Then during the week he would be able to go to such places as needed him and deliver lectures in collaboration with the local Societies, they making all arrangements and sharing any profits.
This new course of lectures would begin in October, and any applications sent to Mr. Barlow, at the above address, will receive attention. — Yours, etc.
Arthur Conan Doyle.
May 20th, 1924.