The Hydesville Memorial (20 january 1923)
The Hydesville Memorial is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in Light on 20 january 1923.
The Hydesville Memorial
To The Editor of Light.
Sir, — When I was in America it was suggested that a memorial should be raised by the subscriptions of Spiritualists all the world over to the great occurrence at Hydesville in 1848, which has modified and glorified the lives of so many. A subsequent resolution by the National Association of America decreed (wisely, as I think) that a memorial in Washington would be of more service to the cause than one in a place so difficult of access as Hydesville. I was asked to be Secretary and Treasurer for the movement in Great Britain, and it is my ambition, when I return to America in April, to take with me a handsome sum as our contribution to the undertaking. I have in hand at present a hundred pounds, subscribed by my wife and myself. If any of your readers would send me sums, however small, they would be gratefully received. I will keep the addresses of the donors, and retain the money until I have the absolute assurance that the scheme is going through. Our help would be particularly appreciated at present as the Americans realise now great the pressure is upon us, and the self-sacrifice which is involved in a subscription towards a monument which so many of us will never have an opportunity to see. It will, however, dignify the cause which means so much more than money. — Yours, etc.,
Arthur Conan Doyle.
January 13th, 1923.
P.S. — Private gifts, church collections — all help is welcome.