The Nairobi Photograph

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Nariobi Photograph (typo for Nairobi) is a letter written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle published in The Freethinker on 26 may 1929.


The Freethinker (26 may 1929, p. 334)


Sir, — I am sorry to trouble you again upon this matter, but it was you yourself who brought it up, and Mr. Plimmer now continues the attack. It may interest you both to learn that the photograph was originally obtained by me from Mr. Melton, of Nottingham. When Mr. Palmer claimed it at Nairobi, it was impossible for me to confute his claim. But now I have referred the matter to Mr. Melton, and he assures me that the photograph was indeed taken by him, that it is truly psychic, that he has the original negative, and that Mr. Palmer is quite mistaken. So it would appear that I have been right from the first.

Arthur Conan Doyle.

[We note that Sir Arthur has not verified Mr. Melton's statement, nor has he seen the negative, nor does he know whether or not Mr. Melton is "pulling his leg," he simply has Mr. Melton's word that the picture is "psychic." I do not marvel that Sir Arthur is a convinced Spiritualist. — Editor.]