The Sandow Competition

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Sandow Competition is an article published in The Sportsman on 14 september 1901.


The Sportsman (14 september 1901, p. 7)

For this big event, which takes place to-night at the Royal Albert Hall, we are informed that Dr. Conan Doyle will assist Sir Charles Lawes, the eminent sculptor, and Mr Eugen Sandow in the judging of the principal events, with a view to selecting the three most perfect men. The band of the Irish Guards has been engaged, and the programme will consist of a number of other attractive features, which will be found duly advertised the front page. Tickets can be obtained at THE SPORTSMAN Office. The beautiful trophies —statuettes in gold, silver, and bronze of the famous athlete, valued at £1000 — are now on view in THE SPORTSMAN window.