A Vanishing Opportunity

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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A Vanishing Opportunity is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in The Daily Chronicle on 16 march 1893.


A Vanishing Opportunity

The Daily Chronicle (16 march 1893, p. 3)

The Editor of the Daily Chronicle.

Sir, — There has been talk of late of a Pan-Saxon Olympiad as a means of drawing together the scattered offshoots of our race, and the idea appears to have met with some support in England. It is, therefore, the more remarkable that we are neglecting the great opportunity which lies ready to our hand, and which is certainly not likely to recur for a considerable time.

All plans for the future of our race which omit the United States are as vain as the planning of an arch without the keystone. No difference of government or manners can alter the fact that the largest collection of people of Anglo-Celtic descent in the world is to be found upon the other side of the Atlantic. If, therefore, the race is destined (as I firmly believe that it is) to become more homogeneous in the future, it is certain not only that this vast block of people must be regarded as a factor in the problem, but that their wishes will have a great deal to do with its solution. The centre of the race is shifting ever westward, until the British Isles represent its extreme fringe on one side, as Australia does on the other. If these world-wide communities are not to eternally oppose and neutralise each other, they must sooner or later be organized into a union of commonwealths which shall be founded upon no artificial treaty, but upon the permanent basis of common blood, and in the main of common traditions.

But if this ideal is to be reached, then no opportunity should be lost of reminding the world that, in spite of the one great rift of the last century, the Anglo-Celtic rare is mindful of its common origin. The coming Chicago Exhibition affords an admirable opportunity for doing this.

Private citizens both of the mother country and of the colonies will, of course, take part in it, but that applies equally to foreigners. What I venture to contend is that the Governments of the various English-speaking communities should endeavour to accentuate the solidity of the race by making a special effort to send representative bodies to the World's Fair. It cannot be doubted that the people of the United States would look upon such an effort as a compliment, and that whatever expense was incurred would be insignificant when compared to the value of such an object-lesson.

As to the form which such a demonstration of brotherly feeling should take, it is a point on which there might be many suggestions. If four regimental bands, representing English, Scotch, Irish, and Welsh corps were to go, together with representatives of the Cape Mounted Rifles, or of the Victoria Rifles, or any other Australian corps, and of the Canadian Militia, it would, I think, meet the case. It would take, however, some strong expression of public feeling before our War Office could be set moving — Yours faithfully,

Reform Club, March 13.

A World's Fair Suggestion

The Pall Mall Gazette (16 march 1893, p. 5)


Dr. Conan Doyle writes to the Daily Chronicle to urge the Government to send special representatives to the World's Fair. He says:— All plans for the future of our race which omit the United States are as vain as the planning of an arch without the keystone. No difference of government or manners can alter the fact that the largest collection of people of Anglo-Celtic descent in the world is to be found upon the other side of the Atlantic. If, therefore, the race is destined (as I firmly believe that it is) to become more homogeneous in the future, it is certain not only that this vast block of people must be regarded as a factor in the problem, but that their wishes will have a great deal to do with its solution. The centre of the race is shifting ever westward, until the British Isles represent its extreme fringe on one side, as Australia does on the other. If these world-wide communities are not to eternally oppose and neutralise each other, they must sooner or later be organized into a union of commonwealths which shall be founded upon no artificial treaty, but upon the permanent basis of common blood, and in the main of common traditions. But if this ideal is to be reached, then no opportunity should be lost of reminding the world that, in spite of the one great rift of the last century, the Anglo-Celtic rare is mindful of its common origin. The coming Chicago Exhibition affords an admirable opportunity for doing this... If four regimental bands, representing English, Scotch, Irish, and Welsh corps were to go, together with representatives of the Cape Mounted Rifles, or of the Victoria Rifles, or any other Australian corps, and of the Canadian Militia, it would, I think, meet the case.