Billy Wilder

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Billy Wilder

Billy Wilder (22 june 1906 - 27 march 2002) was an American director, producer and screenwriter. In 1970, he directed the movie The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes with Robert Stephens (Sherlock Holmes), Colin Blakely (Watson), Geneviève Page (Gabrielle Valladon) and Christopher Lee (Mycroft Holmes).

The original script was for a 165 minutes movie, with intermission. After six months of filming, the first assembly proved to last 3h20. But United Artists decided to short down to 125 minutes. Several scenes were cut, including a prologue showing the descendant of Dr. Watson taking his inheritance (there are some pictures in the credits), a flash back to the teen age of Sherlock Holmes at university where we understand why he distrusts women, and two investigations titled The Dreadful Business of the Naked Honeymooners and The Curious Case of the Upside Down Room (can be seen on the American DVD), of which remains only the image without its soundtrack for the first one, and the soundtrack with some stills for the second. As of today, no complete copy of this version seems to have survived...
