Boivin & Cie
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Boivin & Cie was a French publishing company based in Paris (3 & 5 rue Palatine, Paris 6e) founded by Léon Boivin from 1906 to 1937.
The company published Arthur Conan Doyle fictions between 1912 and 1930.
Conan Doyle published by Boivin & Cie

ca. 1908
- Aventures Extraordinaires (19 illustrations by Martin Van Maële)
- Les Hêtres pourpres (The Adventure of the Copper Beeches)
- Le Visage jaune (The Adventure of the Yellow Face)
- Le Mystère de la Vallée de Boscombe (The Boscombe Valley Mystery)
- L'Aventure des Cinq Pépins d'Orange (The Five Orange Pips)
- Le Diadème de Béryls (The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet)
- L'Aristocratique Célibataire (The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor)
- Silver Blaze (The Adventure of Silver Blaze)

ca. 1912
- Sherlock Holmes (ill. by Martin Van Maële)
- Peter le Noir (The Adventure of Black Peter)
- Les Six « Napoléons » (The Adventure of the Six Napoleons)
- Le Pince-nez d'or (The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez)
- Le Champion qui manque (The Adventure of the Missing Three-Quarter)
- L'Entrepreneur de Norwood (The Adventure of the Norwood Builder)
- Les Danseurs (The Adventure of the Dancing Men)
- Aventure de trois étudiants (The Adventure of the Three Students)
- La Cycliste solitaire (The Adventure of the Solitary Cyclist)
- La Seconde tache (The Adventure of the Second Stain)
- La Maison vide (The Adventure of the Empty House)

ca. 1926
- La Bande mouchetée (Les Romans de la jeunesse No. 9, ill. by Martin Van Maële and Gaston Simoes de Fonseca)
- La Bande mouchetée (The Adventure of the Speckled Band)
- L'Escarboucle bleue (The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle)
- L'Association des hommes roux (The Red-Headed League)
- Les Propriétaires de Reigate (The Adventure of the Reigate Squire)
- Le Pouce de l'ingénieur (The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb)
- L'Abbaye de Grange (The Adventure of the Abbey Grange)
- August 1927 : Les Exploits du Colonel Gérard (Les Romans de la jeunesse No. 24, trans. by Géo Adam, ill. by William B. Wollen)
- August 1927 : Les Exploits du Colonel Gérard (Les Romans de la jeunesse No. 24, trans. by Géo Adam, ill. by William B. Wollen)
Les Exploits du Colonel Gérard (august 1927)
Les Exploits du Colonel Gérard (august 1927)
Les Exploits du Colonel Gérard (ca. 1927)

- La Bande mouchetée (Les Romans de la jeunesse No. 9, ill. by Martin Van Maële and Gaston Simoes de Fonseca)
- La Bande mouchetée (The Adventure of the Speckled Band)
- L'Escarboucle bleue (The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle)
- L'Association des hommes roux (The Red-Headed League)
- Les Propriétaires de Reigate (The Adventure of the Reigate Squire)
- Le Pouce de l'ingénieur (The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb)
- L'Abbaye de Grange (The Adventure of the Abbey Grange)