Drawings and paintings

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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Here is a collection of drawings and paintings by Arthur Conan Doyle. Conan Doyle started drawing cartoons very early when he was at school. He then continued to draw in his travel's notes, in study works and in letters. In the last year of his life begun a hobby for watercolour and oil paintings.

For other handwritten pieces, see Letters, Manuscripts, Dedicaces and other writings.

Arthur Conan Doyle's art


The Judkin's Tragedy

This cartoon by young Arthur Conan Doyle (aged 11-16) was done during his college years in Stonyhurst around 1870-1875. It was probably published in the college magazine, the "Wasp". Everard Digby, a schoolmate, wrote: « Its style is not quite as easy and graceful as his literary style, but it possesses some character of which I can well judge, as I was his classfellow for three years. "Judkin's Adventure" was never completed, as Doyle told the literary staff of the Wasp that each could put his own conclusion to the story. Can Judkins have been the embryo of some of Doyle's heroes! Perhaps an ultimate analysis of the Brigadier Gerard would give Judkins and Baron Marbot! » [1]

The Judkin's Tragedy (1870~1875)


Log of the S.S. "Hope" (1880) : Greenland whale and seal fishing

From 28 february to 10 august 1880, the young Dr. Arthur Conan Doyle served as surgeon on the whaler Hope bound in Arctic for 6 months. During his voyage, he wrote a diary of his adventures with 54 drawings, mostly in colour.

Arthur Conan Doyle's log of the S.S. Hope (Volume 1)

Arthur Conan Doyle's log of the S.S. Hope (Volume 2)

Arthur Conan Doyle's log of the S.S. Hope (Volume 3)


Licensed to Kill

Arthur Conan Doyle self-portrait, depicting himself holding his diploma aloft, inscribed below "Licensed to kill". He was graduated Bachelor of Medecine (M.B.) and Master of Surgery (C.M.) from Edinburgh University on 1st of august 1881.

License to Kill (1881)

Voyage of S.S. Mayumba

From october 1881 to january 1882, Arthur Conan Doyle served as surgeon on board the S.S. Mayumba bound to West Africa. During his trip, he wrote an account with 15 drawings.

Fernando Po from the bay (27 october 1881)


My house

In june 1882, shortly after installing at Bush Villa, Southsea, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote to his mother Mary and attached a map of Elm Grove street to show where his house is located :

« My house : That's the place. but it is a much neater modern house, no a remarkable old hut like that. »

My house (june 1882)


Getting Innes' Prize

In december 1883, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote to his mother Mary adding a small sketch showing himself (the tall man) among little boys to get his little brother Innes' prize (The Lays of Ancient Rome nicely bound) :

Conan Doyle getting Innes' prize (december 1883)
The Mayor ; The 1st prize, The second, Third (Conan Doyle)


The White Company - Armour of a knight

In his notebook for The White Company, Arthur Conan Doyle draw a knight detailing every part of his armour.

Notebook for The White Company, armour of a knight (1889-1890)


Round the Red Lamp

On 4 june 1894, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a letter to Algernon Methuen (publisher of Methuen & Co.) suggesting a title for the cover of the collected stories with a quick drawing. He first thought about Under the Red Lamp.

Drawing attached to letter to Algernon Methuen (4 june 1894)


Mailing from Haslemere to Chicago

In january 1897, Arthur Conan Doyle wrote a letter to Herbert S. Stone including a sketch illustrating the path of the mailing from Haslemere (England) to Chicago (USA).

Letter to Herbert S. Stone (january 1897)


Windlesham: The course of a day

Arthur Conan Doyle did this cartoon while he was at Windlesham (Crowborough, Sussex). He described the course of a day in his house, beginning at 11:30am (Where is Major Wood?) and finishing at 12:30am (Conan Doyle getting the news).


Challenger portrait

In 1913, Arthur Conan Doyle draw his conception of Professor Challenger, the main character of his novels The Lost World (april-november 1912) and the The Poison Belt (april-august 1913) at this time. The annotation on the drawing was written by his wife Jean Conan Doyle.

Professor Challenger (1913)


My Home-Town

In this oil painting, Arthur Conan Doyle depicted a little demon perched on a cupola conteplating a town at night.

My Home-Town (1930)

Sparring Saloon

In this oil painting, Arthur Conan Doyle depicted a Regency sparring saloon.

« Jerry. "Sorry, Tom. Got to give you dam good hiding. »

Sparring Saloon (1930)

The Old Horse

A few time before his death, Arthur Conan Doyle draw a summary of his life and depicted himself as "The Old Horse" carrying a lot of souvenirs. Click here for details of each part of the drawing.

The Old Horse (1930)


A Quiet Home in the Forest

« Hi! Do something! Do anything! Hit'em! Kick'em! Pull their tails! »

A Quiet Home in the Forest (undated)

Other known art

We don't have the images yet

Cartoons / sketches


  1. in documents held by The Stonyhurst College.