Miss Sherlock

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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Miss Sherlock (2018)

Miss Sherlock (ミス・シャーロック) is a Japanese TV series, produced by HBO Asia and Hulu Japan, aired between 27 april and 15 june 2018, starring Yuko Takeuchi as Miss Futaba nicknamed "Sherlock") (i.e. Sherlock Holmes) and Shihori Kanjiya as Dr. Wato Tachibana (i.e. Dr. Watson).

In this series, Sherlock Holmes is transposed in the modern day Tokyo and both lead characters are Japanese women : Dr. Wato Tachibana, a surgeon recently returned from a volunteer doctors' mission in Syria and Miss Futaba (nicknamed "Sherlock"), a consultant detective who help official police in difficult cases.

The recurrent characters based on the original stories are : "Miss Sherlock" (Sherlock Holmes), "Dr. Wato Tachibana" (Dr. Watson), "Kento Futaba" (Mycroft Holmes), "Inspector Reimon" (Inspector Lestrade), "Kimie Hatano" (Mrs. Hudson), and "Mariko Irikawa / Akira Moriwaki" (Professor Moriarty.

Episode list

No. Date English Title Original title
S01E01 27 april 2018 The First Case 最初の事件
S01E02 4 may 2018 Sachiko's Mustache ひげの幸子像の謎
S01E03 11 may 2018 Lily of the Valley ヘッドハンターの素顔
S01E04 18 may 2018 The Wakasugi Family Curse 武蔵野ヶ丘のヴァンパイア
S01E05 25 may 2018 The Missing Bride 消えた新婦
S01E06 1 june 2018 Stella Maris マリス・ステラ
S01E07 8 june 2018 Stolen Virus 最後の事件 前編
S01E08 15 june 2018 The Dock 最後の事件 後編

