Mr. Piddington and Spiritualism

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
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Mr. Piddington and Spiritualism is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in Light on 6 september 1924.

Mr. Piddington and Spiritualism

Light (6 september 1924, p. 572)

Sir, — Mr. Piddington's remark in his Presidential address to the S.P.R. that it is the "uncritical" who have furnished recent recruits to Spiritualism, is an excellent example of that superiority which has long characterised the utterances of certain officials of the Society. Among the "uncritical" who have subscribed to the doctrines of human survival and human communication within the last few years are: Sir E. Marshall-Hall, Dennis Bradley, the Rev. F. V. Spurr, Robert Blatchford, Miss Winifred Graham, and many others who have won distinction in the irrespective walks of life. What does Mr. Piddington know of all the facts which have determined their conclusions, and what mental qualifications has he which enable him to say that these various intellects are less acute than his own? Spiritualists can only regard his remark as offensive and as coming with particularly bad taste from one who for the moment presides over a Society which includes so many who believe in and practise spirit communication. — Yours, etc.,

Arthur Conan Doyle.