Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd. (article 6 september 1917)
Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd. is an article published in the Daily Express on 6 september 1917.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was a director of Raphael Tuck & Sons.
Raphael Tuck & Sons, Ltd.
The annual meeting was held yesterday at Salisbury House, E.C., Sir Adolph Tuck. Bt., managing director, presiding.
After referring to the many difficulties connected with the restrictions both with regard to the export of the company's publications and the import of the necessary material, the chairman made the gratifying announcement that the business of the company in the fourth year of the war was again on the upward grade, the net profit for the year amounting to £14,530 3s. 1d. He then gave interesting particulars of the new collections placed on the market by the company for the coming season, which were already meeting with a splendid reception. The chairman added:— "It is surely a matter of pride to have produced such a collection with the whole of the fighting strength of Raphael House on active service, with the Raphael House Women Workers' Guild, which is affiliated to the British Red Cross Society, still continuing its beneficent work for the wounded, and with the older men in the house responding to our country's call for national work and it can surely be no idle beast to say that this company gives sterling proof of doing real national service in the cause of art and education, and to yet another highly important essential, the home and overseas trade."
The chairman said in conclusion that the veto on Christmas cards to America had been removed. He confidently hoped that the improvement shown would be more than maintained.
The report, which was seconded by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, was adopted.