Reply to Sir A. Conan Doyle: The Recruiting Question
Reply to Sir A. Conan Doyle: The Recruiting Question is a letter co-signed by F. Taylor, P. Thomas, H. Newell and J. Gaston published in The Eastbourne Gazette on 2 december 1914.
This is a reply to Arthur Conan Doyle's letter : Recruiting in Eastbourne (14 october 1914).
The Recruiting Question
[To the Editor.]
Sir, — In a recent issue you published a letter from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. We wish to make a brief reply to his remarks.
We should like to know whether he is aware of the number of recruits who have enlisted from Eastbourne. We might say that in this battalion alone we have upwards of 400 Eastbournians, while most of the men of the battalion are from Sussex.
If Sir Arthur were to frequent the picture palaces or theatres, or even churches and chapels, he would see a marked difference in the attendance of young men from that of a couple of months ago. We should also like to ask him whether he is acting fairly to those young men who may be left at home by insinuating that they are shirking their duty, when they are only doing their duty by supporting those who are dependent on them. Some of the men at Cooden have given up situations ranging from £5 per week downwards. That should remind Sir Arthur that Eastbourne has done her duty well. As to compulsory methods we have only to look at the Germans to see what would happen if such a course were decided upon.
Hoping you will favour us by inserting our views on the matter, we remain yours faithfully,
Cooden Camp.