The Case of Oscar Slater (article 25 march 1914)
This article was published in The Eastbourne Gazette on 25 march 1914.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who is staying at 22, Grand-parade, Eastbourne, has interested himself in the case of Oscar Slater, who is serving a sentence of penal servitude for the alleged murder of Miss Gilchrist at Glasgow. To an interviewer who saw him on Monday Sir Arthur said: "I am delighted to hear the case is to be reopened, but should like to hear of any new facts which have come to light ; so far I can find nothing more than appeared in my pamphlet. In my opinion there has been a monstrous miscarriage of justice. I have written to a daily paper indicating that the principal point in regard to the missing brooch has been omitted. It was proved conclusively that the brooch which the old lady wore was not the one which Slater pawned. I am sure that now there is to be an enquiry the authorities will come to a sensible conclusion, and that this scandal will be brought to an end."