The Edalji Case. Home Office Decision

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Edalji Case. Home Office Decision is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in The Daily Telegraph on 11 february 1907.

The Edalji Case

The Daily Telegraph (11 february 1907, p. 9)

Home Office Decision.

A Renewed Inquiry.

To the Editor of "The Daily Telegraph."

Sir — All those who are interested in the case of Mr. Edalji, and who are convinced that his imprisonment was a palpable miscarriage of justice, will rejoice at the news that the Home Office has seen its way to cause a renewed inquiry to be opened into the circumstances of the case. Whether such an inquiry might not with advantage have been instituted years ago is just one of those points which will now be brought out, but I am bound to say that in my own dealing with the authorities I have found them anxious and ready to examine any fresh evidence, or even any restatement of the old facts, which might be laid before them

We are now urgently in need of funds to see that our side in the coming inquiry should be represented by the very best available legal talent. For these funds I confidently look to the public, and the smallest subscriptions will be most thankfully received. It can be readily understood that Mr. George Edalji, whose profession has been taken from him, is personally unable to meet the heavy expense which will be involved. I appeal to every man and woman who feels that a cruel injustice has been done to send what they can afford towards setting it right.

The fund will be administered by a small committee, which will consist, as at present arranged, of Mr. Horace Voules, of Truth (a journal which has always strongly championed this cause), Sir George Lewis, and myself, while Mr. J. Hall Richardson, of your staff, has kindly consented to act as treasurer. This committee will arrange that the case of Mr. George Edalji shall be fully and thoroughly represented. — Yours faithfully,

Grand Hotel, S.W., Feb. 9.


The precedent in the Beck CNN w111 be fol-lowed so far as the official inquiry is concerned. On that occasion the Master of the Rolla, Sir Spencer Walpole and Sir John Edge consti-tuted the committee. The names in the present instance are not as yet all settled. The inquiry will, of course, be public.