The Literary and Scientific Society (3 june 1893)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This article is a report of the Upper Norwood Literary and Scientific Society published in The Norwood News on 3 june 1893.

The report mentions the re-election of Arthur Conan Doyle as president of the Upper Norwood Literary and Scientific Society.


The Norwood News (3 june 1893, p. 5)

THE LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC SOCIETY. — A business meeting was held at the Welcome Hall, May 25th, to arrange the work of the society for 1893-94. Dr. Conan Doyle was re-elected as president: Messrs. Keen and Williams as vice-presidents; Mr. Buchanan secretary; Dr. Murray Thomson as treasurer; and Dr. Morgan, Mr. A. Cummings, and Mr. W. T. Harden were added to the committee. A sub-committte was appointed to arrange a list of lectures and all the necessary details, which were to be suhmitted on completion to the full committee for confirmation. The accounts of the society showed a credit balance of £31. The treasurer was instructed to send a cheque for £12 12s. to Dr. Campbell, in furtherance of his work at the College for the Blind.