The Wyrley Maimings
The Wyrley Maimings is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in the Daily Mail on 12 september 1913.
The Wyrley Maimings

To the Editor of The Daily Mail.
Sir, — You mention in Wednesday's issue that George Edalji suffered three years' imprisonment for having been guilty of some of those maiming outrages which still continue to be perpetrated in the Midlands. He then, as you state, received a free pardon.
It is worth adding, however, that he has never had a penny of compensation for his three years of confinement, for his ruined professional career, and for the heavy legal expenses which his father, a country vicar with a small living, had to meet.
The case is a disgrace to the administration of justice in this country.
Windlesham, Crowborough.