Baker Street: The Sherlock Holmes Musical
Baker Street: The Sherlock Holmes Musical is an American musical play written by Jerome Coopersmith and directed by Cindy Goldfield, performed by 42nd Street Moon company at the Eureka Theatre (San Francisco, USA) from 2 to 20 november 2016, starring Michael Monagle as Sherlock Holmes and Dan Seda as Dr. Watson. 2h15 (including intermission).
Loosely based on Arthur Conan Doyle's short story A Scandal in Bohemia, the show is set in and around London in 1897, the year in which England celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of the reign of Queen Victoria (an event marked by an elaborate royal procession depicted by Bil Baird's marionettes). In the musical Irene Adler becomes an associate of Sherlock Holmes rather than his opponent, thus allowing an element of romance between the two.
Sherlock Holmes
(Michael Monagle) -
Professor Moriarty
(Michael Barrett Austin) -
© Photo credit : Ben Krantz Studios.
- Sherlock Holmes : Michael Monagle
- Dr. Watson : Dan Seda
- Professor Moriarty : Michael Barrett Austin
- Mrs. Hudson : Stephanie Prentice
- Inspector Lestrade : Scott Maraj
- Irene Adler : Abby Haug
- Daisy : Lindsey Marie Schmeltzer
- Captain Gregg : Kalon Thibodeaux
- Wiggins : Andrew Mondello
- Baker Street Irregulars (Ensemble)
- Duckbellows : Tobiah Richkind
- Macipper : Jesse Cortez
- Nipper : Alison Quin
- Chauncy Weatherbee Perkins III : Stephen Vaught
- Director : Cindy Goldfield
- Playwright : Jerome Coopersmith
- Music : Marian Grudeff, Raymond Jessel
- Lyrics : Marian Grudeff, Raymond Jessel
- Music Director : Dave Dobrusky
- Costume Designer : Thom Venegoni
- Set/Light Designer : Kevin Landesman
- Properties Designer : Devon LaBelle
- Projection Illustrator : Amy O'Hanlon
Act 1
- It's So Simple : Holmes, Watson, Lestrade & Captain Gregg
- I'm in London Again : Irene
- Leave it to Us, Guv : Wiggins & The Baker Street Irregulars
- Letters : Irene
- Cold, Clear World : Holmes
- Finding Words for Spring : Irene
- What a Night This is Going to Be : Holmes, Watson, Irene & Daisy
- I Shall Miss You, Holmes : Moriarty
Act 2
- Roof Space : Wiggins & The Irregulars
- A Married Man : Watson
- I'd Do it Again : Irene
- Pursuit : Holmes
- Jewelry : Baxter & Moriarty's Gang