Den Forklaedte Guvernante
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Den Forklaedte Guvernante (The Bogus Governess) is a Danish silent movie released in 1910, produced by Nordisk Film Co., starring Otto Lagoni as Sherlock Holmes. 945 feet. Black & White.
Other titles:
- Den Orklaedte Barnepige
- The Bogus Governess (USA) 3 june 1911
Survival status: presumed lost.
- Sherlock Holmes : Otto Lagoni
- The father : Poul Welander
- Director : Holger Madsen (?)
- Producer : Ole Olsen (?)
Released 3 june 1911 in New York (The Moving Picture World, 3 june 1911, p. 1227)
Released 3 june 1911 in New York. 945 feet (The Moving Picture World, 8 july 1911, p. 1626)
- 1. Advertisement: Governess wanted in a respectable family. Apply personally at 35 River Street. (in danish version signed "Joe Harris")
- 2. Letter: If you do not put 200 Pounds outside your gate tomorrow morning, your child will be dead before night. The Red Gang. (in Danish "The Black Gang")
- 3. Sherlock Holmes takes the matter up
- 4. An envelope full of pieces of paper is put outside the gate
- 5. Her master thinks the governess is innocent
- 6. Letter: Sherlock Holmes is on our track. Fetch the child at 4 o'clock today at the second bridge. James
- 7. Help. The child has disappeared
- 8. Telegram: Scotland Yard. Send at once officers to the old hut near Burkland. Sherlock Holmes
- 9. Sherlock Holmes recognizes the disguise of the governess
- 10. The Ambush

- The Moving Picture World, 17 june 1911, p. 1389
The Bogus Governess (Great Northern) - This is a Sherlock Holmes story which holds the interest throughout. Like others of the series, it contains several surprises, impossibilities, if you will, but none the less interesting. The work of the actors is quite up to the standard set in previous films of this type.
- Titles credits : The Great Northern Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Bjarne Nielsen (Pinkerton, 1997)