Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Duo
Detective Pikachu: Birth of a New Duo is a 3DS video game developed by Creatures Inc. and published by Nintendo, released on 3 february 2016 (Japan) and on 23 march 2018 (World).
The plot is not based on any Arthur Conan Doyle's stories. A related movie has been released in 2019 : Detective Pikachu.
Editor's description
You've never seen a Pikachu like this one before. Fancying himself a real detective, this Pikachu is gruff and never far from a hot cup of coffee. He's also a big talker who considers himself to be among the best of the best! This bossy Pikachu has the attitude of a stern, middle-aged man, which he'll make abundantly clear to you throughout the game. Look forward to hearing his catchphrase "A bolt of brilliance!" as often as possible. It's not just his ability to speak or his attitude that sets this Pikachu apart from other Pikachu you've seen. He loves to laugh and to solve mysteries, and he'll show you just how exasperated he can get if you blunder through your next case. Not to mention that detective hat—a bit of a giveaway that he's eager to look the part, too!