Die Verlorene Herzogin

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Die Verlorene Herzogin, Nebst Erzählungen von A. K. Green, Conan Doyle, Rudolf von Rüts und anderen (The Lost Duchess, with Stories by A. K. Green, Conan Doyle, Rudolf von Rüts and others) is a volume collecting 6 stories written by various authors, including 1 short story written by Arthur Conan Doyle, published by Robert Lutz in 1915.


  • Die verlorene Herzogin (The Lost Duchess), anonymous
  • Die Treppe (The Stairs), by Anna Katharine Green
  • Der Flüchtling (The Refugee), by Louis Becke
  • Die Schatztruhe des Don Ramirez die Leyra (The Striped Chest), by Arthur Conan Doyle
  • Jinabans Ende (The Trouble with Jinaban), by Louis Becke
  • Aufzeichnungen eines Morphiumkranken (Notes of a morphine patient), by Karl Müller