Dr. Conan Doyle on Early Closing

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Dr. Conan Doyle on Early Closing is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in The Grocers' Assistant in november 1900.

Dr. Conan Doyle on Early Closing

Sir, — In reply to yours of 25th, I shall be pleased to receive such a deputation as that to which you allude almost any afternoon between five and six.

The matter of shorter hours for shop assistants is one in which I take the deepest interest, believing that in a country which has no compulsory military service physique and well being of members of the class to which you allude can only be guaranteed by a universal adoption of short hours and frequent holidays. Personally, I do not feel that this end can be altogether gained by legislation, but I think that the constant ventilation of this subject, and the continued education of the public, will prove in themselves a sufficiently irresistible force to oppose to the few remaining opponents of progress in this direction.

Believe me, dear sir,
Yours faithfully,


  • A reply sent to the Edinburgh secretary of the Grocers' Assistant who had requested a meeting with Conan Doyle.