Frédéric Auer
From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Frédéric Maurice Auer, or F. Auer, (15 april 1880 - 7 november 1961) was a French illustrator.
Between 1923 and 1937, he did 25 illustrations for Arthur Conan Doyle's short stories.
- Le Chat du Brésil (13 may 1923, Excelsior Dimanche) 2 illustrations, The Story of the Brazilian Cat
- Le Cercle rouge (8 july 1923, Excelsior Dimanche) 2 ill., The Adventure of the Red Circle
- Sensationnelle expérience (5 april 1925, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., The Great Keinplatz Experiment
- Retiré des affaires (7 june 1925, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., The Story of the Club-Footed Grocer
- L'Auberge dans la forêt (29 november 1925, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., Brigadier Gerard at Waterloo Part 1)
- Comment le Brigadier Gérard prit Saragosse (10 january 1926, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., How the Brigadier Joined the Hussars of Conflans
- Comment le Brigadier Gérard sauva une armée (14 february 1926, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., How the Brigadier Saved the Army
- Le Cañon des attrape-mouches (28 march 1926, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., The American's Tale
- Les Neufs cavaliers prussiens (6 june 1926, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., Brigadier Gerard at Waterloo Part 2
- La Dernière aventure du Brigadier Gérard (11 july 1926, Dimanche Illustré) 2 ill., How Etienne Gerard Said Good-Bye to his Master
- Le Mystère du pont de Thor (26 september 1937, Dimanche Illustré) 5 ill., The Problem of Thor Bridge