Letter to Blackwood's Magazine (january-march 1882)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1882 to Blackwood's Magazine.

In early 1882, Conan Doyle wrote to the Blackwood's Magazine to submit his short story The Actor's Duel but it was not accepted and his manuscript was returned on 24 march 1882. The story will be published on 20 august 1884 in Bow Bells as The Tragedians.


Dear Sir,

I venture to submit to your notice the accompanying tale "The actor's duel". I once before trespassed upon your valuable time by sending up a sketch which did not come up to your standard — I trust that this may meet with a better fate. However defective the working out may be I am conscious that the denouement is both original and powerful, worthy, I hope, of the traditions of your magazine. Will you [missing text]