Letter to Harry Price (20 december 1924)
This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle on 20 december 1924 to Harry Price about spiritualism, William H. Mumler and Buguet.
Villa Berna,
20th December, 1924.
Dear Mr. Price,
Mumler was never exposed. On the contrary he was triumphantly acquitted tho' assailed by all the forces of Prejudice in his day. One should not lightly defile the graves of dead pioneers.
As to Buguet he was, I understand, promised pardon if he confessed and certain condemnation in this world and also (by the Bishop of Toulouse) in the next if he stood his trial. His confession was that he did it by cardboard figures, which is ludicrous to any one who studies his pictures. I think if you were as critical of 'exposures' as of mediums, your excellent brain would come to different conclusions.
Yours sincerely,
A. Conan Doyle
- Source: Harry Price Collection