Letter to John Cecil Russell (Smith, Elder & Co.)

This letter was written by Arthur Conan Doyle written between circa september 1900 to Major-General John Cecil Russell of the 12th Regiment of Lancers.
The letter was pasted to the title page of a presentation copy of the first edition of Conan Doyle's The Great Boer War (Smith, Elder & Co., september 1900).
My dear Russell
I shall be afraid to meet you when you have read my views about Cavalry. I fear you will think me an awful heretic. But change in arms must bring about new conditions to correspond, and I think the man must get off his horse to fight.
I should love to come down to see you all but I have hardly been at home at all since my return from Africa, and so I must for a month or two remain here and gather up the threads of my life. Otherwise I should have been much delighted to come to you.
With all kind remembrances
Yours very truly
A Conan Doyle