Lewisham Congregational Church Guild

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Lewisham Congregational Church Guild is an article published in The Kentish Mercury on 19 january 1900.

The poem The Groom's Story written by Arthur Conan Doyle in 1898, was recited by Mr. Walter James on 13 january 1900.


The Kentish Mercury (19 january 1900, p. 3)

A very pleasant evening was spent on Saturday at Court-hill Schools in connexion with this society on the occasion of the inaugural social evening of the spring session. Tea and coffee were served, and the Court-hill string band agreeably performed selections under the bâton of Mr. G. F. Wates. A small choir, under the direction of Mr. F. W. Collen, rendered the well-known and amusing glees, "There was an Old Woman" and "Jack and Jill." Miss F. Doughty was well received for her singing of "Who'll buy my Lavender," and another item, "The Groom's Story" (by Conan Doyle), recited by Mr. Walter James, proved highly entertaining. Mr. Charles Volcard greatly amused with a clever display of paper folding and shadowgraphy.