Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars (play 2017)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia
Sherlock Holmes and the Hooded Lance (2017)

Sherlock Holmes: The Baker Street Irregulars is an American 2-act play written by Eric Coble (adapted from the graphic novels by Tony Lee & Dan Boultwood) and directed by Nathan Motta, performed at Dobama Theatre (Cleveland Heights, OH, USA) from 1-30 december 2017, starring Christopher M. Bohan as Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson. 90 minutes.

It's December on the streets of London, Sherlock Holmes is missing, and a young girl's grandmother has been abducted. Who will save the day? The Baker Street Irregulars, a group of orphans, pickpockets, inventors, and artists hired by Sherlock Holmes himself to help solve cases. Can a gang of street kids find Sherlock Holmes, unravel a mystery from their own past, and defeat a masked villain who just might be the evil Professor Moriarty himself? The game's afoot!





  • Sherlock Holmes : Christopher M. Bohan
  • Dr. Watson : Christopher M. Bohan
  • Mrs. Hudson : Neda Spears
  • Lestrade : Ananias J. Dixon
  • Wiggins : Colin Frothingham, (understudy: Rose Scalish)
  • Eliza : Miranda Leeann, (understuy: Kate Clay)
  • Pockets : Elise Pakiela, (understudy: Emma Blemaster)
  • Chen : Patrick Hensel, (understudy: Easton Sumlin)
  • Ash : Adler Chefitz, (understudy: Lexi Cowan)
  • Tiny : David Gretchko, (understudy: Jake Glosser)
  • Morris Wiggins / Peabody : Ray Caspio
  • Mayhew / Mother : Laura Starnik


  • Director : Nathan Motta
  • Playwright : Eric Coble
  • Lightning Designer : Marcus Dana
  • Stage Manager : Megan Mingus