Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Harry Price
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Harry Price are 2 letters written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in the magazine Light on 15 and 29 september 1928.
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Harry Price (15 september 1928)
(to be find)
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Mr. Harry Price (29 september 1928)

Sir, — You were good enough to publish a letter of mine in your issue of September 15th in which I showed that the statement of a man named Hartman who was a member of a circle in New York, in which he said that I had kissed the hand of an ectoplasmic image thinking it was my mother, was false, and that Mr. Harry Price had no right to repeat it. It is the sort of invention which is gross and palpable, for how could anyone kiss a flesh and blood hand and mistake it for an ectoplasmic one! The last thing which the fraudulent medium would do would be to allow me to touch her. Apart from this I had three independent witnesses who were present. I have now, in the face of my denial, received a letter from Mr. Price in which he says: "I am giving this same lecture again in Vienna and Copenhagen, and in future I shall read out Dr. Hartman's version of the Thompson story and let my hearers judge for themselves." After this I think that I can also let your readers judge for themselves. No comment is needed, when a man reiterates what he knows to be false.
- Yours, etc.,
15, Buckingham Palace Mansions, S.W.1.