Spiritualism (The New Zealand Herald)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Spiritualism is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in The New Zealand Herald (New Zealand) on 15 december 1920.


The New Zealand Herald (15 december 1920)


Sir,— Mr. Virtue's difficulty is easily resolved. All marks, such as are indicated in the psychic photograph referred to, are placed there for evidential purposes, to insure that we recognise the person. The spirit, of course, carries no wound. I would, as a last word, thank the citizens of Auckland for their courtesy to me. I am bound to say, however, that I encountered an exception which is new in my extended experience. This consists in the insertion of advertisements by an enterprising tradesman, who mixes up praise of his own commodity with abuse of the visitor with whose opinions he happens to disagree. I only call attention to the matter in the hope that the public opinion of your beautiful city will step in and prevent any other traveller from being subjected to the same annoyance. All ordinary criticism is welcome, but this is an abuse.