Teignbridge v. M.C.C. (article 20 august 1903)

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Teignbridge v. M.C.C. is a cricket result published in the Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette on 20 august 1903.

Result was a draw.

Teignbridge v. M.C.C.

Devon and Exeter Daily Gazette (20 august 1903, p. 5)

The above match was commenced at Teignbridge yesterday, the second "ladies' day" of the TeIgnbridge Club's season. Scores:—


  • Lieut. de Burgh, l b w, b Hearne ... 1
  • A Hingston, c Geeson, b Hearne ... 0
  • A V Morris, c Murrell, b Geeson ... 8
  • H A Francis, b Geeson ... 59
  • Rev A T Pelham, b Geeson ... 2
  • G C Vicary, c Martin, b Hearne ... 33
  • W B Penny, st Murrell, b Geeson ... 0
  • H V J Watts, b Geeson ... 2
  • Dr Day Dewdney, c and b Hearne ... 4
  • J C Taylor, b Geeson ... 2
  • C W Birch, not out ... 0
  • Extras ... 11
  • Total ... 122


  • G G Hearne, b Vicary ... 0
  • Rev J O McCormick, c Pelham, b Morris ... 45
  • Geeson, st Watts, b Pelham ... 0
  • Sir A Conan Doyle, b Vicary ... 0
  • Murrell, b Pelham ... 4
  • J N Martin, b Vicary ... 47
  • C G Pope, not out ... 9
  • Extras ... 4
  • Total for six wickets ... 109

A Onslow, Captain Phillips, Captain McCormick, and S M Robinson to bat.