The Eternal March

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Eternal March is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in the Daily Express on 22 september 1928.

The Eternal March

Daily Express (22 september 1928, p. 8)

(From Sir A. Conan Doyle).

Sir, — There is no discrepancy at all between Mr. Longstaff's view of the origin of his picture. "The Eternal March," and my own. I have never thought that he was under obsession when he painted this picture — which to my mind, is one of the greatest in its world. But he was certainly under strong psychic mental influence.

He had been to a séance; he had got into touch with a vanished friend who was an artist, he was full of that spiritual elation, which comes which come with conviction, and then within a few days he painted, working at great speed, a picture which depicts the whole fate of man as Spiritualists conceive it. Surely, you cannot disconnect these events.

Bignell Wood, Hants.