The Garb of Spirits
The Garb of Spirits is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle published in the Daily Express on 19 july 1920.
The Garb of Spirits

To the Editor of the "Daily Express."
Sir, — Your anonymous correspondent makes his own difficulties in discussing spiritualism.
Why not read some elementary treatise upon the subject before belabouring it so clumsily? Such a treatise would teach him that such images in costume are built up for evidential purposes on this side, and have no relation whatever to the appearance of the spirit upon the other.
He would also learn that "clothed in light" would be accepted by most spiritualists as a description of the higher spirits.
It is clear, however, that if they appeared to us in a guise quite foreign to that which we knew they could not satisfy as as to their identity.
Crowborough, Sussex.