The King's Declaration
The King's Declaration is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in The Times and in The New-York Times on 12 may 1910.
- in The Times (12 may 1910 [UK])
- in The New-York Times (12 may 1910 [US])
- in The San Francisco Call (15 may 1910 [US])
The Times (12 may 1910)
The New-York Times (12 may 1910)
The San Francisco Call (15 may 1910)
The King's Declaration
Sir, — Surely Colonel Sandys and the members of the Protestant Reformation Society should, looking at the matter simply from their own point of view, recognize that the surest way to strengthen any creed is, as the whole history of the world has proved, to persecute it. And it is mere juggling with words to attempt to show that it is anything other than persecution to hold up the Roman Catholic faith to obloquy in the Coronation Oath, while every other creed, Christian or non-Christian, is left unassailed. Is it not a shocking thing that, while Roman Catholic chapels, throughout the whole Empire are still draped in black for a deceased Monarch, his successor should be compelled by law to insult the most intimate convictions of these same mourners ? And is it not a most narrow and foolish policy, unworthy of this tolerant age, that a young King should be forced to offend the feelings of great numbers of Irishmen, Canadians, and other subjects ? I feel sure that, apart from Catholics, the great majority of broadminded thinkers of any or of no denomination in this country are of opinion that the outcry of fanatics should be disregarded, and that all creeds should receive the same courteous and respectful treatment so long as their adherents are members of the common Empire. To bring these medieval rancours to an end would indeed be an auspicious opening of a new reign.
Yours faithfully,
Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex, May 10.