The Question of the Hour

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Question of the Hour is an article published in The Bystander on 23 january 1907.

About The Case of Mr. George Edalji.

The Question of the Hour

The Bystander (23 january 1907, p. 160)

Mr. George Edalji. The subject of whose imprisonment is now occupying so much attention both in legal and general circles, and whose cause is being championed by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. [Photo Park].

The revival of the Edalji question by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is specially interesting to lawyers. Opinions in the four Inns are by no means unanimously in favour of Sir Arthur's argument; but all would welcome the reopening of the case — first, in order to put an end to the controversy one way or the other; and, secondly, to prevent the possibility of such a case ever being tried in the future at country Quarter Sessions.