The Trick Seance

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

The Trick Seance is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in the Daily Express on 10 november 1923.

The Trick Seance

Daily Express (10 november 1923, p. 8)

(From Sir Arthur Conan Doyle)

To the Editor of the "Daily Express."

Sir, — At the séance — if an obvious conjuring entertainment could be dignified by such a name — which you report, the conditions were very different from those which obtained four years ago when my interest was excited. This difference was confirmed by several gentlemen in the room who had been present on the former occasion, and it was finally admitted by Mr. Selbit, the illusionist. Thus the whole proceedings were vitiated.

Mr. Selbit stated that the former effect was a pure illusion. He had, however, stated formerly to the editor of "Light" that it was actually psychic. This I pointed out at the meeting, and I left with my mind still open on the original question, though quite clear that the second performance was entirely artificial. As to the former one, I wave at the time that "I have my decks over the whole business," and I have them still.

Windlesham, Crowborough, Sussex.

[The séance referred to took place on Wednesday at a house in Long Acre, and was reported in the "Daily Express" last Thursday.]