Two Notable American Novels

From The Arthur Conan Doyle Encyclopedia

Two Notable American Novel's is a letter written by Arthur Conan Doyle first published in The Spectator No. 5133 on 13 november 1926.

Two Notable American Novel's

The Spectator No. 5133 (p. 858)

[To the Editor of the "Spectator."]

Sir, — Americans give a generous welcome to good English novels. It is difficult for us sometimes to reciprocate, because their output is large and much of it passes us by. I happen to have read two of their books in succession, which seem to me to be on a very high level. The first is A Stepchild of the Moon, by Fulton Oursler (Harpers). The second has the uncouth name of Teeftallow, by T. S. Stribling, published by Nisbet. I have no axe to grind in the matter and no motive save to put two really good books under the notice of your readers. — I am, Sir, &c.,

Arthur Conan Doyle.

15 Buckingham Palace Mansions, S.W.1.